Swyambhunath Stupa

Swoyambhunath stupa, UNESCO World Heritage Site stands on a lovely little hillock located at a distance of 4 km from the Thamel. This religiouly important site for Buddhist is also popular among Hindus devotees and people of other faiths. This peaceful and clam hill commands the pictureque view of the Kathmandu valley and splended panorama of Himalayan range.

Swoyambhunath is a popular tourist spot in Kathmandu among Buddhists as well as the people from other faiths. There are hartly any tourist who doesn't visit the Swoyambhunath temple. The stupa is laden with 13 gold plated spires symbolizing 13 stages to salvation in Buddhism. Different sorts of idols of Buddha has added to the attraction of the stupa.

Local tourist come to the place to have a little fresh air and enjoy the pictureque view of the city while forigners enjoy observing the astistic aspects of the stupa and things related to Buddhism. Mostly, a significant presence of foreign tourist can be witnessed around the shrine area. The stupa has been inducted as UNESCO's world Heritage Site.

1. Stupa
2. Shrine
3. Choten
4. Chattya
5. Pagoda
6. Monastery Temple
7. Kathmandu Valley

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