Lumbini Garden
Lumbini - Holy Pilgrimage destinations in the country. The world knows Lumbini as the birthplace of Gautama Buddha. Tourists from all over the world come to see the birthplace of the Buddha. It is also a place of worship for Buddhists. In Lumbini you can visit 25 Buddhist monasteries. These Buddhist monasteries have been built by different countries. From Vietnam to China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Germany and France have built monasteries.
The Mayadevi temple inside the Lumbini Garden is considered to be the main attraction here, as it is said to be the place where Siddhartha Gautama Buddha set foot on earth. This is a 2200 year old temple. The nearby Ashoka Pillar is also known all over the world. It is believed that after Siddhartha's birth, he walked the first seven steps and reached the place where Ashoka was staying and gave a message of peace to the world. Highlights:
As the birthplace of the Lord Buddha - the apostle of peace and the light of Asia was born in 623 BC - the sacred area of Lumbini is one of the holiest places of one of the world's great religions, and its remains contain important evidence about the nature of Buddhist pilgrimage centres from a very early period. Lumbini, in the South-Western Terai of Nepal, evokes a kind of holy sentiment to the millions of Buddhists all over the world, like Jerusalem to Christian and Macca to Muslims. It is the place which should be visited and seen by a person of devotion and which should cause awarencess and apprehension of the nature of impermanence. The site and its surrounding area is endowed with a rich natural setting of domesticable fauna and favourable agriculture environ. Historically, the region is an exquisite treasure-trove of ancient ruins and antiuities, dating back to the pre-christian era. The site described as a beautiful garden in the buddh's time, still retains its legendary charm and beauty. Lumbini, is one of the four holy places of Buddhism. It is said in the Parinibbana Sutra that Buddha himself identified four places of future pilgrimage. the sites of his birth, Enlightenment, First Discourse, and death. All there events happend outside in nature under trees. There is no particular significance in this, Other than it perhaps explains why Buddhist have always respected the environment and natural law. In the Buddha's time. Lumbini was a beautiful garden full of green its tranquil environs were owned by both the Shakyas and the clans. King Suddhodana, father of Gautam Buddha, was of the Shakya dynasty and belongs to the Kshatraiya (Warrior caste) Maya Devi, his mother, gave birth to the child on her way to her parent's home in Devadaha while resting in Lumbini under a sal tree in the month of May, 623 BC. The beauty of Lumbini is described in Pali and Sanskrit literature. Maya Devi, it is said, was spelibound to see the natural grandeur of Lumbini. While she was standing, she felt labour pains and catching hold of a drooping branch of a sal tree, She gave birth to a baby. In 249 BC, when the Indian Emperor Ashoka visited Lumbini, It was a flourishing village. Ashoka constructed four stupas and a stone pillar with a figure of a horse on top. The stone bears an inscription, which in translation runs as follows: "King Piyadasi (Ashoka) beloved of devast, in the 20th year of the coronation, himself made a royal visit, Buddha Sakyamuni having been born here, a stone railing was built and a stone pillar erected to the Bhagavan having been born here, Lumbini viallage was taxed reduced and entitiled to the eight part. Lumbini remained neglected for centuries. In 1895, Feb here, a famous Chinese archaeologist Fa xian (According to Chandra Shamsher Rana), discovered the great pillar while wandering about the foothills of the Churia range. Further exploration and excavation fo the surrounding area revealed the existence of a brick temple and sandstone sculpture within the temple itself, which depicts the scenes of the Buddha's birth. It is pointed out by scholars that the temple of Maya Devi was constructed over the foundations of more than one earlier temple or stupa, and that this temple was probably built on an Ashokanstupa itself. To the south of the Maya Devi temple there is the famous sacred bathing pool known as Puskarni. It is believed that Maya Devitook a bath in this pool before the delivery. By the side of the Ashoka pillar a river which flows south- east and is locally called the OI. In 1966, an archaeological dig unearthed a "flawless stone" placed there by Ashoka in 249 BC to mark the precise location of the Buddha's birth more than 2,600 years ago. Present day in Lumbini, From 1997 it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site and there is a master plan for a monastic zone by the famous Japanese modernist architect Kenzo Tange. Like the same designer plan for the Peace Park in Hiroshima, it seems to have been inspired by the Neo-Baroque. There is a long avenue and a circular canal. But the sacred pool remains a place of exceptional calm.
Place of Interesting
IDOL OF MAYADEVI: The 3 feet tall idol of Mayadevi carved on a stone tablet is estimated to have been originated in the 4th century. It is located in the sanctum of the Mayadevi Temple in LUMBINI. The carved figure over the stone tablet has eroded and the carved figures have been obscured. The idol is also known as the Birth. it depicts the birth of Lord Buddha. The idol shows learning to a tree while giving birth and there are two heavenly messengers waiting to receive Buddha. Figure of infant Buddha is at the center of the idol. WORLD PEACE STUPA: The World Peace Stupa was constructed at Lumbini to spread the message of peace, friendship and goodwill in the world and to raise awareness to keep the earth pure and clear. The 42.5 m tall stupa is one of the major attractions of Lumbini. The stupa was constructed as p;art of the campaign by Japanese Buddhist preacher Fujing to construct World Peace Stupas in different parts of world. It takes 40-50 minutes to reach the World Peace Stupa from the Mayadevi Temple. Very few tourist arriving at Lumbini miss a visit to the World's Peace Stupa. The heavenly serene atmosphere around the stupa and the attractive piece of art that adorn the stupa entice the visitors WORLD PEACE FLAME: The eternal World Peace Flame is a major attraction of the Lumbini garden located at the center of the garden. Tourist can observe the flame that is kept glowing uninterrupted 24 hours a day. The flame was lighted on 1st November 1986 AD by the then Prince Gyandra Shah. The flame represents peace and fraternity in the world was brought from the United States of America as part of the celebration of the International Peace Year.
Outside Lumbini | Secred Sites
This place is located at a distance of 22 kilometers from Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha. Kapilvastu also has important Buddhist sites such as Gotihawa, the birthplace of Krakuchhand Buddha, Niglihawa, the birthplace of Buddha under Kanak, Sagarhawa, Kudan, Araurakot, Sisahaniya, Kapildham and Jagdishpur Lake, the area where thousands of Shakyas were massacred. Ramgram Stupa According to Buddhist scriptures, Ashtadhatu was placed in eight different places after Gautama Buddha's Mahaparinirvana. One of which is Ramgram. Thousands of tourists visit this stupa built by the then king of Ramgram every year. The Lumbini Development Fund has prepared a separate master plan for Ramgram to protect it and increase tourist arrivals. Along with Ramgram, Panditpur is also an important Buddhist site. Although the Department of Archeology has excavated it, its report has not been made public yet. The Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forest and Environment has allocated budget for publicity and tourism promotion considering Ramgram and Triveni of Nawalparasi. More Facts:
# Siddartha Gautam was born in 623 BC.
# Lumbini Garden inscribed on the World Heritage Site by United Nation Educational, Science and Culture Organization.
# Lumbini Garden listed on the UNESCO since 1997
# Ashoka Pillar is regarded as an important heritage site. The Magadh King Ashoka led order erected in 249 BC which stands adjacent to the Maya Devi Temple.
# Birth Marker stone set up at Lumbini in 1996 AD by Archeological Department, Nepal Govt. which spread the message of Peace.
# The Peace Stupa approx. height 42.5m tall which is precher by the Japanes Buddhist fujing.
# Eternal Peace flame located at center of the garden which keep glowing light 24 hrs a day on 1st Nov 1986 AD VISIT MORE MONASTIC ATTRACTION SITES AROUND GARDEN
1. Royal Thai Monastery | 2. Myanmar Golden Monastery | 3. Dae Sang Shakya Korean Temple
4. The Thrangu Monastery | 5. Mother Temple | 6. Kapilvastu Temple | 7. Chinese Temple
8. Sherpa Monastery | 9. Dharma Swami Maharaja Buddha Vihar | 10. Lumbini Museum
11. Sri Lankan Monastery | 12. Combodian Monastery | 13. Lumbini Crane Sanctuary
14. Manang Samaj Stupa | 15. Vietnam Phat Quoc Temple | 16. Great Drigung Lotus Stupa
17. Thrangu Vajra Vidya Monastery | 18. Kudan Monastery etc
Suggested Tour Itinerary
Early Morning, Drive process to Lumbini. Approx. 8 Hrs Journey via Narayanghat Bazar. Chekc in Hotel at Lumbini. Short Visit around the Lumbini Village Day 02 - FULL DAY LUMBINI GARDEN SIGHTSEEING:
Lumbini Garden, Listed World Heritage Site a huge religious significance and attracts Buddhist pilgrims. Explore temple and monasteries that are bound here, while there soak up the peaceful atmosphere, take time to reflect on yourself and meditate in the spriual heart of Lumbini. Maya Devi Temple, Ashoka pillar, Puskarini pond, Birth marker stone, Idol of Maya Devi, Eternal peace flame, Buddhist temple, Peace stupa and the Lumbini museum as well as different countries monasteries are major attraction both for pilgrimage and tourist for explore the beauty and serenity that it encompases. Day 03 - LUMBINI TO KATHMANDU:
By Local Bus: Dep. 5.30 am from Central Bus Terminal - Gongabu (Every Day) / Fare - Rs 1200/- Per Person
By Flight: Buddha Air / Yeti Air. Dep: From 9.30 am to 5.00 pm (Every Day) Check Flight Fare & latest Flight Schedule
By Private Vehicles: Car / Jeep / Micro / Hiace / Bus: Contact us for price cost. Contact Us for More information & Price Cost Details:
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